Sometimes new clients ask for the phone sex operator’s suggestion on how long a phone sex session should be. There is no correct answer to this because it really depends on you.
Phone sex is a highly individualized experience but it’s also a financial one. My honest suggestion to anyone who may be new to phone sex or trying out a new operator for the very first time… is to always opt for the shortest amount of time. You want to make sure you are billed properly and correctly, and that you also connect well with the operator. But for a future call, you may want to do a more complex role-play, a fantasy, or even talk longer in general.
So, let’s go back to our question how long should a phone sex session be? I’m going to give you the guidelines I suggest to clients on the phone.
If your fantasy is short and simple and you’re watching your money then 15 minutes should be plenty enough time to talk to an operator that you like…. and to have a lot of fun.
If your fantasy is detailed, complex, or will take a bit of time to explain it to the operator you should look at 30 minutes and possibly more. But 30 minutes is a very good start.
Technically the amount of time that you purchase with a phone sex operator is really dependent upon you. It depends on how much you want to spend and how detailed your fantasy is.