How Many Phone Sex Services Should You Use?

Phone Sex Services
You are a guy that calls phone sex lines. Most likely you have quite a few ladies or services that you use regularly. Sometimes you may lose an operator and sometimes you just want someone new for variety. I mean let’s be honest – there are THOUSANDS of places you can call and sometimes all of those choices can seem exciting. Sure, they can be overwhelming as well… but let’s talk about why you should only use about 3 different companies and stick with that.

Using any phone sex service requires a caller to have “trust”. We advise that if you try somewhere new to check your credit card account after the call online. Then check it 3 days later again. Then check it again in a week. Make sure you were billed honestly. Let’s face the truth, shall we? Billing you discreetly is the number 1 thing. A caller who bops around from service to service and to multiple different independent operators is going to find himself in trouble pretty quickly. And then you will not know if a billing error was intentional or a mistake. And if it was a mistake will you remember all of the different sites and billing names? Will you know who to go to in order to have it corrected?

Ladies in the phone sex industry disappear on a frequent basis. In truth, many women leap into the phone sex world only to discover they are not good at or do not enjoy it. It truly takes a special skill set to be a good phone sex operator. You will see many operators, even ones you have liked a lot who were fun… just vanish. All quality companies do try to find reliable ladies to work for them. But that is not as easy as a caller might think.

Finding 3 solid honest companies to do business with when the phone sex urge strikes you is absolutely the best thing for a caller. You want 3 companies with several different ladies to call. And then you want to test out a few of the ladies and see who you “click” with best. But doing this you will have 3 safe places you can trust for billing, and probably multiple ladies to talk to at each company. If one disappears you have back up. when new ladies are hired you can give them a quick test drive too.

Having 3 services as a safety net means your credit card info is safe and a steady supply of different voices are available to you. Not to mention the fact that every phone sex operator approaches fetishes and fantasies differently. Within every operator’s skill set are certain things she will excel at. You can use this to your advantage if you have a very specific fetish.

Let’s use a foot fetish as an example. It’s a common fetish and it’s fairly safe to say that almost all men like to see women with pretty feet. Perhaps there is one operator you speak to who is very dominant and likes to order you around to pamper her feet. And yet another operator will talk to you for 30 minutes with a very detailed foot fetish story so you can just lay back and listen. A third operator might be the most fun at roleplaying your fetish. Since each approach and style is unique to each operator it gives you choices depending on the mood you are in at that moment.

Remember those websites and billing names etc. Make sure each company has contact info available if you have a billing problem. Allow them a chance to respond and fix it for you. Once you have 3 companies you trust you won’t ever run out of options or be disappointed.


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